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Holy Week

On Palm Sunday we reflect on Our Lord’s passion and death. Parishioners receive a blessed palm which reminds us of the joyous welcome Jesus received and reminds us that we acknowledge Him as our King and Lord.


On Holy Thursday, a Chrism Mass is celebrated by the bishop which is celebrated by as many of his priests as possible. At this Mass, the bishop consecrates the different oils that will be used for the Seven Sacraments throughout the following year. The priests also renew their vows of obedience and chastity.

Good Friday is a solemn day of fast and abstinence. Again we reflect on Christ’s passion. It is the only day of the year that Mass cannot be celebrated. A special Communion Service replaces the Mass.


The Easter Vigil (on Saturday) is the Catholic Church’s most solemn religious service. It should be celebrated after dark, whereby the lighting of the Easter fire and the carrying of the new Easter Candle into the church will have a better effect. The Easter candle is a symbol of the Risen Christ. After seven long scripture readings, the Gloria is sung for the first time since Lent began. Those wishing to join the Catholic Church are then baptized or join by a profession of faith. The congregation renews its baptismal promises and then Mass continues as normal. This service can last up to 2 ½ hours!

The Easter Masses are the best attended Masses throughout the year because the message is so important and so hopeful. The message being Christ has risen and we no longer need to fear death. He has conquered it and we will join Him forever in heaven.

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