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Most Protestant churches do not believe in Purgatory. Many say this is a made up Catholic teaching since the word “Purgatory” is not mentioned in Scripture. (No one can say when the doctrine was made up.) It is true that the word Purgatory is not mentioned but the concept is. Please refer to Luke 12:59, 1 Peter 3:19, 1 Cor 3:15, 2 Mac 12:46.  Besides, neither are the words Trinity and Incarnation mentioned in Scripture yet they are basic Christian beliefs.

The doctrine can be stated briefly. Purgatory is a state of purification, where the soul that has fully repented of its sins but has not fully expiated them has removed from itself the last elements of uncleanliness. In purgatory all remaining love of self is transformed into love of God. At death one’s soul goes to heaven, if it is completely fit for heaven; to purgatory, if it is not quite fit for heaven, but not worthy of condemnation; or to hell, if it is completely unfit for heaven. Purgatory is a temporary state. Everyone who enters it will get to heaven, and, after the last soul leaves purgatory for heaven, purgatory will cease to exist. There will remain only heaven and hell.

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